Sunday, April 18, 2010

to be concerned vs. to concern

Do not confuse "to be concerned about something" and "to concern something."

The active voice, to concern, means
to be of interest or importance to, or to have to do with. The correct translation to Korean is 관련되다, 영향을 미치다.
  • Climate change concerns us all, because we all need clean air to breathe.
  • Medicine is the concern of doctors.
  • This article concerns the plight of homeless children.
Sometimes to concern also means to cause anxiety or uneasiness, a close equivalent of 우려를 끼치다, 걱정하게 만들다.
  • His erratic behavior at school started to concern his parents.
  • The rumor about the firm's possible bankruptcy seriously concerned its stakeholders.
The passive voice, to be concerned, means to be worried/troubled about something, and this is translated as 걱정/염려/우려하다.
  • I am concerned about my father's health. He has been smoking two packs of cigarettes everyday for the past 10 years.
  • The international community is concerned about nuclear terrorism.