Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ally vs. Alliance

My apologies for the silence on my end.

Today's post is about the difference between
ally and alliance. It is something rather simple, and may even come across as too obvious. But surprisingly enough, I've seen many many students of mine confusing the two.

Alliance is a close association of nations or other groups, formed to advance common interests or causes. The entities involved in such associations are called allies. Take a look at the following example:

  • NATO allies are moving toward approving an anti-missile system that would protect Europe, the alliance's secretary general said Thursday, adding that he hoped Russia would join in creating such a shield (AP, October 20, 2010).
  • Galisatus, president of the Aragon High School Gay Straight Alliance, says he can identify with the isolation and pain the suicide victims felt. Seeing a classroom full of purple would help gay students see they have allies, he says (USA Today, October 19, 2010).