Friday, December 24, 2010

improve & change

Today's post is really one of the most frequent mistakes I've seen among my students.

The verbs "change" and "improve" are tricky because they could be translated as either 바꾸다/개선하다 or 바뀌다/개선되다. The problem is, when students see the latter, they automatically translate it using a passive voice construction. This is not necessarily incorrect, but could make your sentence stilted and wordy. Unless you really want to emphasize that there is a third-party do-er, I recommend using the active voice.

For example, for 상황이 개선되었다:
  • The situation has improved: perfectly fine
  • The situation has been improved: this is ok, but makes the reader wonder "by whom?"
Similarly, for 그의 의견이 바뀌었다:
  • His opinion has changed: perfectly fine
  • His opinion has been changed: makes the reader wonder who made him change his opinion