Monday, June 20, 2011

~라고 여기다

A quick grammar tip re: A가 B라고 여기다.

I've seen a lot of students incorrectly saying "consider A as B." The correct expression is "consider A to be B" "consider A B." See the following examples:
  • While Palestinians consider the peace demands by Mr. Netanyahu unacceptable, most are matters of consensus here. The right in Israel comprises those who oppose giving up the West Bank for a Palestinian state because they consider it the land of the Jews, and those who oppose doing so now because they do not trust the Palestinians and fear for Israel’s security. (New York Times, May 25, 2011)
Note how the author did NOT say "consider the peace demands as unacceptable" or "consider it as the land of the Jews."
Also note that it is OK to say "consider the peace demands to be unacceptable" or "consider it to be the land of the Jews" instead, although it would make the sentence relatively wordier.