1) 정부는 ~에 더 관심을 기울여야 한다.
When asked to write a policy recommendation paper (정부 정책 제언), the most popular expression among Korean students seem to be either "the government should take/have more interest in something" or "the government should pay more/closer attention to something."
Although these are perfectly fine expressions, make sure you provide (either in the same sentence or in the following sentences) further explanations as to how/why the government can/should do so.
한국말로는 현안 A에 관하여 "정부가 관심을 가져야 한다"라고만 하면 충분히 제언이 되는 것 같지만, 영어로 그대로 번역해 놓으면 정부가 실제로 어떤 조처를 취하건 말건 간에 A에 대해 관심만 더 가지면 된다는 의미로 드릴 수 있습니다.
Take a look at the following example:
- The government should take more interest in the local context. (very vague)
- For more effective development assistance, the government should learn about the local context through research and community meetings (much more specific with "how" and "why")
Interestingly, about 80% of the essays I have reviewed start with the word "recently." This is because expressions like "최근 우리 나라에서는.." "최근 한국 정부는..." are good and common ways of starting an essay in Korean.
However, as I explained in a previous post ("Unnecessary Words-Issue of Direct Translation I" April 20, 2010) with the case of "nowadays," the word "recently" implies that something is current and fresh, as opposed to being old or continuous. For example;
- Recently, the Illinois General Assembly Scholarship Program has fallen under intense scrutiny by the media and good government groups as a way for politicians to reward friends and donors by giving away full scholarships to a state college or university (Chicago Tribune, "Stop the Political Perks" June 10, 2010): Here, the author used "recently" to emphasize the fact that public attention to the scholarship program began only in the recent past.